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Marshmallows wearing pie for Thanksgiving is the cutest thing ever

Two marshmallow mugs wearing crocheted hats that look like pumpkin pie and cherry pie.

In my house there are a few traditions that make Thanksgiving a fantastic holiday – first, we find a 5k to do as a family no matter where we are celebrating. If we are out of town with family, we find one in the area. If we are at home, we do the one in our hometown. Either way, we all know that we’re getting up early and walking/running for about 3 miles before the eating begins.

Second, it’s all about the pies. I put together the whole traditional Thanksgiving feast with turkey, stuffing and mashed potatoes etc. But really, it’s all just a formality until it’s time for dessert. We make a LOT of pies. There have been years when we had more pies than people. We eat pie for dessert after lunch and then we eat it again for dinner that same day. If anyone is still hungry later - you guessed it - more pie. Yes, I make one big meal and then everyone fills up on pie for the rest of the day.

Everyone has their favorite pies, and we tend to have quite a few that get requested year after year. Two of those are pumpkin and cherry pies. So, to decorate my marshmallow mugs for November you best believe there's going to be pie.

Watch the video tutorial here:

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14 hdc worked over 12 rows with G hook measures an approximate 4-inch-square


Pumpkin Pie Mug Hat

Burnt Pumpkin - 13 yards

Toasted Almond - 26 yards

White - 6 1/2 yards

Cherry Pie Mug Hat

Red - 13 yards

Toasted Almond - 13 yards

Light Gray - 17 yards

Stitch Abbreviations:

mc – magic circle

yo – yarn over

ch - chain

sl st – slip stitch

sc – single crochet

hdc – half double crochet

dc – double crochet

blo – back loops only

flo – front loops only

inv sc dec – invisible sc decrease - insert hook under the front loop only of the first stitch, insert hook under the front loop only of the second stitch, yo, draw through first two loops on the hook (two loops left on the hook), yo, draw through both loops on hook

fphdc – front post half double crochet - insert the hook around the POST of the next stitch in the row (insert hook from the front to the back, then bring it around the back of the post and back out the other side to the front), yo, pull up a loop, yo, pull through all 3 loops on the hook

bphdc – back post half double crochet - insert the hook around the POST of the next stitch in the row (insert hook from the back to the front, then bring it around the front of the post and back out the other side to the back), yo, pull up a loop, yo, pull through all 3 loops on the hook


  • The chain at the start of each row does not count as a stitch.

  • Slip stitch to the first stitch of the row, not the chain.

  • The first stitch of the row should NOT be in the same stitch you slip stitched into.

Helpful tutorials:

If you would like to purchase an inexpensive print-friendly copy of this pattern, you can find it here.

Pumpkin Pie Mug Hat Pattern

A marshmallow mug wearing a crocheted hat that looks like a pumpkin pie.

G 4 mm hook

With Burnt Pumpkin yarn

row 1 - mc and place 6 sc in the mc, sl st to the first sc, ch 1 (6)

row 2 – 2 sc in each stitch around, sl st to the first sc, ch 1 (12)

row 3 – (2 sc in the same stitch, sc in the next) repeat around, sl st to the first sc, ch 1 (18)

row 4 – (2 sc in the same stitch, sc in the next 2 stitches) repeat around, sl st to the first sc, ch 1 (24)

row 5 – (2 sc in the same stitch, sc in the next 3 stitches) repeat around, sl st to the first sc, ch 1 (30)

row 6 – (2 sc in the same stitch, sc in the next 4 stitches), sl st to the first sc, ch 1 (36)

row 7 – sc in each stitch around, sl st to the first sc, ch 1 (36)

Switch to Toasted Almond yarn

row 8 – sc in each stitch around, sl st to the first sc, ch 1 (36)

row 9 – in flo (ch 1, hdc, ch 2, sl st in the same stitch, sl st in the next stitch) around, sl st to the first st, ch 1 (36)

Hands using a Clover Armour crochet hook to make a marshmallow mug hat.

*Fold the crust "ruffles" from row 9 toward you so you can see the back loops on the inside to work row 10.

row 10 – in blo of the same row as row 9 ch 1, hdc in each stitch around, sl st to the first hdc, ch 1 (36)

rows 11-14 - (fphdc in the next stitch, bphdc in the next stitch) repeat around, sl st to the first stitch, ch 1 (36)

row 15 – sc in each stitch around, sl st to the first sc (36)

Whipped Cream Pattern

A curlicue crocheted from I Love This Yarn in White.

G hook

With White yarn

ch 20

Beginning in 2nd chain from your hook, 3 sc in each chain (57)

This will form a curlicue.

Hands using a yarn needle to sew a crocheted curlicue into a whipped cream shape.

Starting at one end, unwind the curlicue and roll it into a whipped cream shape by stacking layers on top of one another in concentric circles.

Cherry Pie Mug Hat Pattern

A marshmallow mug wearing a crocheted hat that looks like a cherry pie with a crust lattice on top.

G 4 mm hook

With Red yarn

row 1 - mc and place 6 sc in the mc, sl st to the first sc, ch 1 (6)

row 2 – 2 sc in each stitch around, sl st to the first sc, ch 1 (12)

row 3 – (2 sc in the same stitch, sc in the next) repeat around, sl st to the first sc, ch 1 (18)

row 4 – (2 sc in the same stitch, sc in the next 2 stitches) repeat around, sl st to the first sc, ch 1 (24)

row 5 – (2 sc in the same stitch, sc in the next 3 stitches) repeat around, sl st to the first sc, ch 1 (30)

row 6 – (2 sc in the same stitch, sc in the next 4 stitches), sl st to the first sc, ch 1 (36)

row 7 – (2 sc in the same stitch, sc in the next 5 stitches), sl st to the first sc, ch 1 (42)

Switch to Toasted Almond yarn

row 8 – sc in the blo in each stitch around, sl st to the first sc, ch 1 (42)

row 9 – (sc in 5 stitches, inv sc dec) around, sl st to the first sc, ch 1 (36)

Switch to Light Gray yarn

rows 10-12 - hdc in each stitch around, sl st to the first hdc, ch 1 (36)

row 13 – sl st in each stitch around, sl st to the first hdc (36)

Hands holding a crocheted hat to look like a cherry pie that fits on a marshmallow mug.

Pie Crust Pattern

Holding the hat so the bottom is facing you, attach Toasted Almond yarn with a sl st to one of the remaining front loops from row 8.

Ch 3, dc in the same stitch as the ch, sl st in the next stitch,

(2 dcs in the next stitch, sl st in the next stitch) in each of the remaining front loops, sl st at the bottom of the first ch 3.

Pie Crust Lattice Patterns

G hook

Toasted Almond yarn

Make 2:

ch 2, (sc in the second ch from the hook, ch 1, turn) repeat 12 more times for a total of 13 sc

Make 4:

ch 2, (sc in the second ch from the hook, ch 1, turn) repeat 9 more times for a total of 10 sc

Hands holding two pieces of crocheted pie crust lattice onto the top of a marshmallow mug hat that looks like a cherry pie.

Crisscross the lattice pieces on top of the pie hat and hot glue in place. I find it easiest to start with the two long pieces and hot glue them on in just the middle of the lattices.

Hands holding pieces of crocheted pie crust lattice onto a marshmallow mug hat that looks like a cherry pie.

Then layer on two of the shorter pieces and hot glue those in just their centers. Last, hot glue on just the final two short pieces in the centers and then glue down all the ends.

Does your family have any fun Thanksgiving traditions? I'd love hear about them in the comments down below!

If you want to make a whole year of mug hats go here for all the free patterns.

And don't forget to subscribe so you know when new patterns and projects come out!

This pattern MAY NOT be copied, reproduced, altered, published or distributed in any way. You MAY sell finished products made with this pattern, but please credit me (Find Me Crafting).


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