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Organize all things crochet in one place

Desktop with coffee, pens, and an open crochet planner with pages for project details and grid paper.

Do you ever feel as if researching crochet patterns and yarn is a completely separate hobby from crocheting itself? I don't think I'm alone when I say I do. In the past, not being able to find a pattern I wanted to use or remember what colors of yarn I already had in my stash led to a lot of frustration when it was time to begin my project. I tried to get organized but ended up feeling like I had just created new locations I had to search through to find what I was looking for.

So I decided to make myself a planner and set it up exactly how I wanted it with space for all the information I wanted to organize and keep track of. I've been using it for a year now and wanted to share it with you guys because I LOVE IT.

Take a look inside:



What's Inside?

Crochet Planner bound with Happy Planner discs held by two hands.

There are 19 pages included with the planner and they are all super useful. The pages I use the most are the Crochet Project pages where you can write down all your details and even sketch out your idea.

I like to pair the project pages with either a lined page, or a grid paper page (both also included) so I can write down step-by-step patterns, or modifications to existing patterns. If you are writing your own patterns or even altering one from somewhere else, it's a great place to record all of the things you need to remember.

Hand holding a crochet planner page for keeping track of your yarn stash with samples.

There are also pages for keeping track of your yarn stash (do I have enough of that color or should I order more now so I have it in time?). I like to include a piece of the yarn too so I know exactly what it looks like and feels like.

Hand holding a crochet planner page for keeping track of your pattern inventory.

Another page included is for your pattern inventory. I buy patterns from all over the Internet and I love being able to write down where I bought them so I can get back to them when I need to. I HATE knowing that I've bookmarked a pattern or purchased it but I can't remember where I need to go to print it out.

Hand holding a crochet planner page with hat and ear warmer common sizing measurements.

Two pages of references are included too. Off the top of your head do you remember what size the average baby lovey blanket is, or how big to make an adult size scarf? If you do, you're a step ahead of me. I have to look this kind of stuff up every time I begin so it saves time to have the average dimensions for common items in one easy-to-find place.

Hands putting a Work In Progress (wip) card into a bag with details written on it about the project in the bag.

How about a Work-In-Progress card? This bit of genius can save you soooo much time and frustration. Print out the cards on paper or card stock and when you need to stop for whatever reason (look! A new pattern! I must start that one now!) you write down what project it is, what yarn you're using, what pattern you're using and where you got it from, what hook you are using – all those details that you will forget 10 minutes after you move on to a new project.

Throw the card in with your partially finished work and later, when you get back to it, you don't have to wonder if you used the hook the pattern called for or went up or down a size because you will have all the info right there with it. Game changer!

A red crocheted hat with crocheted teddy bear peeking out of the brim and a brown "Hand Crocheted With Love" care tag attached with yarn.

Another useful tool included with the planner are double-sided care cards. Print these out on card stock (you can use white or any color you choose), punch a hole and tie it to your crocheted gifts so your recipient how to wash it so it stays looking as awesome as the day you gifted it. These add a very polished, professional look to whatever you make.

Hand holding a crochet planner page for writing down details for a future project.

I use the Future Project Pages to jot down any plans I have for projects I don't need to start right away, but don't want to forget about. Who I want to make it for, what colors I was thinking of using, where I should buy the yarn - the kind of project inspiration I want to make sure I remember. These pages also help me curb the impulse to start yet another project before I've finished the ones I already have in the works.

Of course, there are also cover pages you can print out to keep everything together and page dividers for separating it all. I laminated my front and back covers for some stability but this obviously is optional.

Keep in mind that the planner is available in both standard letter size, and in Happy Planner Classic size (7 x 9 1/4 inches). You get the downloads for both, so you can print out whichever you prefer.

You can print the whole thing at home or take the files to an office store and print them there. Either way it's helpful to bind the pages together. You could hole punch them and put them in a binder. You can also have them spiral bound, or comb bound at the office store for a few bucks.

Hands holding discs to use in a Happy Planner. A black Happy Planner hold punch.

Or, you can do my favorite option, which is to disc bind them. I bought a Happy Planner punch and some discs and put it all together. It's my favorite option because I like how it looks, it's very easy to set up, and I love the capability to stick other pages in as I use the planner. If I run out of project pages, need more space to keep track of the yarn stash, or want to stick a copy of a pattern right into the planner, it's easy peasy and keeps me even more organized. Can you tell organization is the name of the game for me?!

I do have some additional pages you can buy separately in my Etsy shop. I have a number of care tags with more color, some of which are Christmas gift tags too. These have the same laundry information on the back but different designs on the front.

A funny "Keeping It Real Crochet" page for a crochet planner.

And, if you have want to laugh while staying organized, I have a project page called the “Keeping It Real Crochet” page that has what I call an “honest” view of some project details. You can record all the same information, but the description of said information is a bit snarkier.

Come check it all out and get yourself ready for the upcoming holiday season or new year by organizing everything you need to be successful with less stress.

Etsy thumbnail for a crochet planner with 19 pages.


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